The Goblin Princess: The Grand Goblin Ball (9780571316601)

No ordinary princess, no ordinary ball...

Matty and her pet dragon live a funny, topsy turvy kind of life, in a world where being well mannered, good, clean and tidy is much frowned upon. As preparations for the Goblin ball get underway - the cobwebs are hung, the dirt swept in - Matty comes to hear of a band of Hobgoblins on the prowl .... She and her pet dragon must come to the rescue to ensure the success of the ball!

For little girls who are used to the usual fare of pink and pretty perfection, this new series sits somewhere between Enid Blyton, Rainbow Magic and Shrek and will delight five year olds and upwards.

Product details

  • 6+
  • Paperback | 112 pages
  • 130 x 178 x 10mm | 166g
  • London, United Kingdom
  • English
  • Main
  • 0571316603
  • 9780571316601
  • 587,521

Download The Goblin Princess: The Grand Goblin Ball (9780571316601).pdf, available at for free.



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