
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2022

Archipelagoes of My South : Episodes in the Shaping of a Region, 1830 1965 (9780817319335)

"The tourist archipelagoes of my South / are prisons, too, corruptible" writes the poet Derek Walcott. While Walcott refers to the islands of the Caribbean, the analogous idea of a land made into solitary islands by an imprisoned and inherited corruption is historian J. Mills Thornton III's American South. The captivating essays in Archipelagoes of My South: Episodes in the Shaping of a Region, 1830-1965 address this overarching and underlying narrative of Alabama politics and the history of the South. Highlighting events as significant as the role of social and economic conflict in the Southern secession movement, various aspects of Reconstruction, and the role of the Ku Klux Klan in the politics of the 1920s, Thornton draws from various points in the southern past in an effort to identify and understand the sources of the region's power. Moreover, each essay investigates its subject matter and peels back layers with an aim to clarify why the enormous diversity of th

Ride Free : A Biker Erotic Romance (9781497514294)

He's finally come home, only to find that everything has changed After ten years of riding with the Padre Knights MC, Alejandro Rojas has become the Vice President of the outlaw motorcycle club. When a club assignment takes him back to his hometown of Arroyo Flats, Alejandro finds himself reeling back in time, haunted by memories of a girl he lost a decade ago, memories of a love that could have been, and memories of broken promises made on the back of his bike. Her life is about to be entwined fame and prestige when it suddenly comes crashing down Alaine Owens is engaged to Bobby Dawson, the son of a powerful South Texas politician. Yet she has never forgetten the boy to whom she gave her love--and herself--ten years ago, even if she still hasn't forgiven him for his broken promise. A second chance to mend a broken promise. But time is running out... All Alejandro wants is to see Alaine again and fulfill the promise he made her ten years ago. Likewise, Alaine knows the dang

Die Dem Trouvere Adam de la Halle Zugeschriebenen Dramen : Li Jus Du Pelerin; Li Gieus de Robin Et de Marion; Li Jus Adan (Classic Reprint) (9780331951608)

Excerpt from Die dem Trouvere Adam De La Halle Zugeschriebenen Dramen: Li Jus Du Pelerin; Li Gieus De Robin Et De Marion; Li Jus Adan Der Abdruck bringt die drei Dramen in derselben Reihen folge, als die Handschrift P Manuscrit de la Valliere No. 2736, jetzt Manuscrit Fr. In der Bibliotheque Nationale zu Paris, ursprünglich unter Lavall. No. 81 dort eingeschrieben. Dies ist die einzige Handschrift, die uns alle drei Dramen und abgesehen von wenigen Gedichten die gesamten Werke von Adam de la Haie überliefert hat. Es ist ein Band von 283 Blättern, mit zwei Reihen d104 auf jeder Seite. Das erste Blatt zeigt den Inhalt des Bandes an. Auf der 2. Seite wird der Dichter der chansons, mit denen die Hs. Beginnt, ausdrücklich genannt: Chi commencent les canchons maistre Adern de le hale. F0. 2 - 9 enthalten die 14 ersten Chancons d'adans; diese Blätter sind kleiner als die übrigen und rühren offenbar aus einer andern Hs. Her. Mit F0. 10 fängt die eigentliche Hs. P an, in der sich folgende W

Murach's ASP.NET Core MVC (9781943872497)

If you know the basics of C#, you're ready to learn how to create web applications using Microsoft's powerful technology, ASP.NET Core MVC (Model-View-Controller). And there's no more practical way to do it than with this book. By the end of section 1...just 5'll be developing real-world web apps that follow the MVC pattern, using C# code for the model and controller classes...HTML, CSS, and Razor code for the user interface (the view)...and Bootstrap classes for responsive design so that your apps adapt well to all screen sizes. You'll also be able use the debugging tools in Visual Studio and your browser to test your apps thoroughly. In section 2, you'll build out that set of skills to create more complex controllers, work with Razor views, handle cookies and sessions, do model binding, validate data, and handle database data with EF (Entity Framework) Core. You'll also see how all these skills come together in a single application, with cov