
Farscape: v. 1 (1934506753)

The ultimate collection FARSCAPE fans have been waiting for! This handsome hardcover features the first four issues of the first arc of the Farscape comic series as written by series creatorRockne S. O'Bannon. Includes a bevy of bonus materials that make this a must-have item for hard-core 'Scapers and new fans alike! Product details Format Hardback | 112 pages Dimensions 190 x 280 x 12.7mm

The Art of Shen Ku : The First Intergalactic Artform of the Entire Universe (0399527257)

What is Shen Ku? Roughly translated: Pure Traveler or Phantom Passenger. What exactly is the art of...? Mastering the skill and knowledge of practically everything anyone comes across while on Earth, including: * Tying knots and enhancing sex * Numerology and self hypnosis * Herbal therapy and forecasting weather * Curing nosebleeds and removing stains * Kung fu and magic tricks * Isometric and breathing exercises of monks * Self defense and catching fish And this is only the beginning. Irreverent and quirky, serious and 100% straightforward, The Art of Shen Ku explores hundreds of topics from a broad spectrum of life situations, and gives ingeniously simple advice on how to cope with them, overcome them, use them, and benefit from them. Product details Format

Wo ist Paula? : Arbeitsbuch 1 mit CD-Rom (MP3-Audios) (9783126052818)

Wo ist Paula? aktiviert junge Lernende ab 9 Jahren zum Mitmachen und führt in 4 Bänden zur Stufe A1 plus: - Emotional ansprechende Themen und Situationen wecken den natürlichen Entdeckergeist. - Regelmäßiges Sprachtraining und die Einbeziehung der Muttersprache regen zum Sprachvergleich an. - Lieder und Gedichte sorgen für Abwechslung. - Videosequenzen fördern das Nachspielen und Sprachhandeln. - Eine unterhaltsame Lektüre und jugendgerechte Landeskunde runden jeden Band ab. Product details Format Mixed media product | 64 pages Dimensions

Das Jahrhundert des Populismus (9783868543476)

»Der Populismus revolutioniert die Politik des 21. Jahrhunderts. Doch das wahre Ausmaß der von ihm bewirkten Umwälzungen haben wir noch nicht erfasst.« Der bekannte Historiker Pierre Rosanvallon entwirft eine bisher noch fehlende kohärente Theorie des Populismus . Er untersucht seine Attraktivität als Lösung für gegenwärtige Probleme, entfaltet seine Geschichte und unterzieht ihn einer gründlichen Kritik. Daraus resultierend skizziert er einen Alternativvorschlag für eine verallgemeinerte Volkssouveränität, die die Demokratie bereichert, anstatt sie zu vereinfachen und zu polarisieren: eine vitale Demokratie, die sich ständig selbst be- und hinterfragt. Denn nur durch permanente Anstrengung und Transparenz kann das populistische Projekt seine Attraktivität verlieren. Product details Format

The Vision of Alexander Hamilton : Four Economic Reports by Alexander Hamilton (9780943235035)

This republication of Hamilton's four great economic works comes at the instigation of American economist Lyndon LaRouche, who has stressed the urgency for an understanding of Hamilton's economic outlook to confront the profound economic crisis now erupting within the trans-Atlantic financial system. Hamilton's vision for the newly created United States was of an industrializing nation in which the human ability to develop and grow would lead to new technologies, new resources, and a national commitment to the future. This outlook, and the lessons to be learned from Hamilton's success, are of timely importance today. These four writings comprise three reports to the Congress--his Report on Public Credit, Report on a National Bank, and Report on Manufactures--and his Opinion as to the Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States. Together, these documents represent the kernel of Hamilton's thought, and the basis upon which the United States grew from a small ag

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrography (9781117882321)

The Shelf2Life Mines and Mining Collection is a unique set of materials focusing on the operation of mines, the mining industry and mineralogy in the 19th and 20th centuries. From first-hand accounts of life in the mines to descriptions of mine construction, excavation methods and machinery, to mine taxation and determinative mineralogy, this collection reveals the science and culture of the thriving mining industry pre-1923. Illuminating the pages of these intriguing volumes are rock and mineral photographs and mineral classification tables including chemical tests and scientific experiments written during a period of significant expansion in the discipline of mineralogy. The Mines and Mining Collection unearths a period of early historical mining practices and related scientific discoveries of value to enthusiasts, students and mineralogists alike. Product details

Clinician's Guide for Implementing Ayres Sensory Integration (R) : Promoting Participation for Children With Autism (1569003653)

This step-by-step guidebook describes the most effective, evidence-based way to implement ASI into clinical practice by using a data-driven decision-making approach. Practical information guides practitioners in methodologically understanding the child and creating effective interventions with measurable outcomes. Forms and case examples throughout the text allow readers to efficiently apply ASI in pediatric practice. Highlights include an overview of autism and sensory integration, identifying a child's strengths and challenges, conducting a comprehensive assessment, and measuring outcomes and monitoring progress. Includes a flash drive with forms. Product details Format Paperback | 209 pages